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Riso della Valle del Po

Riso della Valle del Po
The rice

The quality of rice from the Po Valley is unique: each grain encapsulates centuries of history, hard work, research, varietal selection and technological progress. Its peerless quality is preserved through adapting to the climate, cultivation techniques and to the terrain of our beloved valley.

The committee

A group of seven associations of large rice growing cooperatives of Lombardy and Piedmont, together with seven prestigious rice growing industries of the same area, a perfectly balanced supply chain, have formed a Promoting Committee to call for the legal status and protection through an EU Protecting Geographical Indication (PGI).

"The rice field is completely man-made. It is an engineering masterpiece made up of slightly different levels, consuming neither water nor land: the water is used three times before returning to the earth. No consumption, no waste."

Alessandro Barbaglia
from LA STAMPA del 01/05/2018.

The largest Italian river flows and expands sinuously between rice fields and villages, as it shapes the valley. It is a land in which people have placed their hopes, one that holds their most cherished memories: this is the Po valley.